Becoming Immortalized
…Remain in Oblivion…
“However men approach Me, even so, do I welcome them, for the path men take from every side is Mine.” (Bhagavad Gita)
A treatise on the Imaginary Fancier – Part III.
Was it too late to open his arms with longing and goodwill to welcome the bonds of society? Perhaps man is not merely a half-rational animal but a cosmic being and destined to immortality. But there was no link left, and no one could have had any part in his life even had anyone wished it. For the air of solitude surrounded the Angel now, a still atmosphere in which the world around him slipped away, leaving him incapable of communicating.
This was one of the significant earmarks of Angel’s life. As a body everyone is single, as a soul, never. Man is not by any means of fixed and enduring form. He is much more a transition, a narrow bridge between environment and spirit. His innermost destiny drives him to the Spirit; his innermost yearning draws him back to flesh, to the Father-Mother Earth. Between these two forces, Angel’s life hangs indecisively.
“The StarBorne *- the Angel; you walk on a longer and heavier road of life! Instead of narrowing and simplifying your world, you will have to absorb more and more of the world and eventually take all of it up in your soul, if you are ever to find the source of peace.”
Maybe the humor alone, that magnificent achievement of human spirit attains the impossible and brings every aspect of his existence, within the rays of its prism, to the realization…
Let’s hope that Angel will be led, one day to walk on this Path. Let’s hope, that one day, he will achieve the dissolution of a wild, unstable ego. Encountering the expansion in the Immanent Transcendent Spirit of Light.
* The StarBorne – those who originate from the Stars. Earth was originally colonized by volunteers from numerous star systems. Many systems send representatives. They belong to all races of humanity, all countries of the world. The Star-Borne are those who remember, those who are in the process of remembering, and those who choose not to remember.
** The Sephiras – they know the sun, physical and super-physical, as the heart and source of all power and life within the Solar System. From that heart, the vitalizing energies which are the life “blood” of the solar and planetary “body” of the Logos are continually out-poured and withdrawn. They may be regarded as the active, creative Intelligence’s and form-builders of all objective creation.
*** Greater Reality – the heightened, supra-normal reality system anchored in Oneness. Three Stars in Orion’s Belt: Mintaka, Alnilam and Alnitak (Delta, Epsilon and Zeta Orionis)- the control points. The central star Al Nilam corresponds to AN and is a black hole. It is the entry point to the doorway 11:11.
Is There Anybody Out There?
There is a burning desire to escape the prison of the known and the real, to realize the incredible content revealed by the omnipotence of dreams, that involuntary play of imagination ...
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